With the help of the Online Study Orientation Guide you will receive important information for your study choice.
The Online Study Orientation Guide is a service provided by the University of Göttingen aimed at supporting you with your study decision. The Study Orientation Guide is not an entrance exam and is completely independent from a possible application for a university place. It is solely intended for information purposes and a better and more accurate self-assessment.
The content of the Online Study Orientation Guide is divided into different chapters which contain information about the following topics of our courses of study:
- Professional Life,
- Course of Studies,
- Organisation of Studies,
- Requirements and
- Student Life
You will find a list of the chapters on the left side and you can visit them in any order you like. Completed chapters are marked accordingly. You can revisit every chapter as often as you like. In order to complete the whole Study Orientation Guide you will have to pass through each chapter at least once.
Within a chapter you can generally move back and forth by clicking “back“ and “next” in the upper right corner.
In the different chapters you will often find interactive elements, like exercises, simulations, video clips etc. Handling these is simple due to our user-friendly design which always includes a short explanation.
If you enter the Online Study Orientation Guide as a registered user, you can log in and out as often as you like. In this case, the information which chapters you have already completed will be stored. Alternatively, you can access the Online Study Orientation Guide anonymously, without registering.
To ensure a smooth experience, we recommend an up-to-date IT system. This includes amongst other things:
- Browser: current version of a common web browser (i.e., Edge, Firefox, Chrome)
- JavaScript: activated
- Adobe Acrobat Reader: installed. The latest version of the Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free via
- Cookies: activated (only for temporary PHP session handling, no permanent cookies will be used)
- Internet connection: at least 2 Mbit/s downstream. Depending on the type of internet connection, loading time will vary.
In case of technical problems concerning the Online Study Course Orientation, please contact:
phone: + 49 (0) 40 85 407 0
In case of any questions regarding the content of the degree courses or study choice, please contact us:
Antike Kulturen (B.A.):
Orell Witthuhn, M.A.
Tel. +49 551 39-27496
Chemie (B.Sc. & M.Sc.):
Isabel Trzeciok, Dekanatsreferentin
Interkulturelle Germanistik (M.A., M.A. Double Degree):
Dr. phil. habil. Haymo Mitschian
Lehramt an Gymnasien (B.A. & M.Ed.):
Portal für Studieninteressierte
Physik (B.Sc. & M.Sc.):
Dr. Yvonne Lips, Referentin des Studiendekans/ Allgemeine Studienberatung
Tel.: 0551/39-13306
Rechtswissenschaften (Staatsexamen, B.A. 2-Fächer):
Susanne Herrmann, Studiendekanatsreferentin